Hey guys: it's been a while since I contributed, but it's because I've moved to the east coast US and on a different time zone!
Anyhow, the Steelhead are large and plenty here in Buffalo; all the tributaries of Lake Ontario and Lake Erie produce Steelhead, Springs, Cohos, Brown trouts and other trouts.
I've caught my first Steelhead in my life here in Buffalo
; needless to say that I had tried it two seasons in Vedder a few years ago and I got skunked both seasons.
I've been going to the 18mile creek (Burt Dam) and I've been landing fish on every trip. Google Burt Dam, New Fane, NY and you'll see the river and also find some youtube videos. The fish are still entering the creeks and rivers here and according to the locals, we can fish until April for these beauties. Some of the smaller creeks are frozen over now, but they will break of on a warm day. The larger rivers like Cattaraugus are flowing and fishable with fresh runs.
Two weeks ago I was at the river and after about an hour of casting, I moved down about 10 feet and continues casting an egg pattern in pink. Third cast hat hardly hit the surface of the water when I felt like a tug and I assumed I snagged a rock or pebble. I tired to retire the line and sure enough I had a fish on! A beautiful silver Steelie! That was a day that very few people were fighting a fish...sure enough I got some attention from the other fishermen and they wanted to know what technique I'm using. And I'm just a rookie
I felt so good
One thing I don't like about fishermen here is that after they catch their fish, they don't bleed them, and they drag the fish on the ground until they get to their vehicles! I just find it rude and disrespectful to the fish (even though it's dead already)
I'm going to attach a couple of photos here for you...I hope it works!
Tight lines.