No news that Moore has been under vehement attack by extreme environmentalists . I was here working in the forest industry while all the wars were going on . The forest industry was forced to change many times over to satisfy environmentalist groups . They met the demands , then after the dust settled they were always attacked as though they had done nothing . There will never be peace between environmental groups and industry . This is because if it is admitted by those making a living off environmentalism , that the demands are met , then they are no longer needed ,to put it simplistically .
There needs to be solutions found , something no environmental group ever gives .
Suzuki for his part made it sound like the gravel extractions on the Fraser were pushed for by industry and that industry skewed the facts to get it . Some members of this message board pushed the same lie . I happened to attend those town hall meetings in '06 when the Fraser threatened the valley and that position was a blatant lie . I was one of those living on the flood plain that year and took the matter very seriously . Industry was not there . We , the CITIZENS , demanded answers from our politicians on why they had neglected dredging for so long that we were now in danger ! They did lots of back pedaling and made excuses for this , but promised us they would rectify the situation . One of those excuses was that no mining groups wanted to do the job as it was not very lucrative .
It was NOT industry doing the pushing . But Suzuki and some of our board members came in 2 years later and have pushed a revisionist account of how it happened ! I know this , I was there and was one of those demanding action ! To this day they still push this agenda based on skewed facts all the while claiming they were not against the extraction . Of course as usual they offer no solution. After all why should Suzuki care about some of us locals in the valley who may get flooded in the future should get his way , his house is not in danger . For him just another cause for fund raising at some one else's expense.