Lots of companies pay no corporate taxes AF, particularly new, growing companies that are the major source of new, well paying jobs. They make little to no profit because revenues are reinvested into debt servicing as they develop (or in many cases, fail because of poor business strategies). So changes in corporate tax rates have no effect on them. Contrary to what you claim, there is no cause and effect between job losses and corporate tax rates. Canada cut her corporate tax rate in half from the 1980's yet we lost many of our manufacturing jobs because of competitive labour markets (as did the US). It's all about international macroeconomics. We can't compete with the low standards of living in China, India, Mexico, etc. although sometimes I think some wealthy business leaders wish that.
You're far too quick throwing out your "socialist slur" AF. All the parties have serious flaws in their economic policies. NDP also wants to cut taxes on 90% of Canadian businesses (small) which is as silly as the Tory claim that corporate tax cuts = jobs. Canada's economy is still largely resource based (forestry, oil, mining, grain) and driven by international commodity prices (not corporate taxes) which we can't control.
Canada has one of the best taxation and corporate investment climates in the developed world (particularly for private Canadian companies) and we just proved it in the recession but if you add up taxes at all levels of government, our effective corporate tax rate is actually not much better than other countries. What Canada could do better, like other countries, is improving our business investment tax credits, which provide a carrot for companies to reinvest their retained earnings in company growth in Canada (R&D, modernization and Green technology, securing new export markets, etc.) rather than dividend payouts or socking it away in Treasury Bills. Think "film industry" in Toronto and Vancouver. Most of the political parties though don't talk about tax credits except for special interest groups.
But AF, I can see how if you're a pensioner surviving on stock dividend income from companies like Walmart or the Bank of whatever, corporate reinvestment rather than dividend payouts isn't in your best personal interests.