A steelhead I landed yesterday had a large 4/0 or so red octopus hook set well in its lower mouth. As there was no leader attached to the hook with no sign of recent bleeding, I assumed it was hooked a few days ago and also might be a barbed hook as it had not popped out. I thought about using my fishing plier to pull it out but decided against it as pulling out a possible barbed hook could start it to bleed and did not want to have a trashing angry steelhead on my hands. If that fish survives spawning, return to salt water would likely corrode the hook away.
I am just curious, what kind of bait would require someone to use such a big hook for steelhead fishing? A hook this size could do real damage on a smaller steelhead, but this fish being at least 12 pounds had a big enough mouth so that no vital parts were injured. Should I have attempted to pull the hook out? Also, my previous post regarding "hook size depending on size of presentation" was written with maximum hook size of 1/0 in mind and not applicable to someone using these extreme large bait hooks. I use 1/0 hooks when using gooey bobs in very turbid water conditions, but mostly use size 2 for all other baits. But, smaller hooks tend to pop out more easily and less forgiving of error on part of the angler.