I just want to send a shout out to the fellow fly angler on Saturday at Como Lake! It was only the two of us out on the water in the morning and he was hooking into fish after fish, I kept getting little taps but nothing I could get a good hook set into! Finally we were able to chat and it turned out he was using something that I didn't have and he was generous enough to give me a variation of what he was using and it worked!
I was catching and releasing all my fish, so i pinched the barb and had probably 25 hook ups and was able to bring in approx 10!
A big thanks to that guy for his help...
And on another note, I was surpised to see that quite a few of the fish that I caught that day on Como Lake had quite a few legions on their sides...big red marks. Didn't see anything like that on the ones from Lafarge or Sasamat the last few weeks. Anybody have any ideas!