Steelhead has been sold in BC stores for quite some time. A possible source of these steelhead might be the Quinault River in Washington State. The Quinault is located on the Olympic peninsula and for the most; its management is under the Control of the Quinault first nations. This band does an excellent job of maintaining and managing the steelhead population in the River, they raise steelhead in a well run hatchery facility and cater to hundreds of recreational steelheaders, the only catch being, the Quinault fishery is only available to non-native steelheaders if you hire and are in the company of a Native Guide. This Fishery is unique and seems to work very well. With what has turned out to be a large and thriving population of steelhead the Quinault first nations have engaged in the commercial sale of their fish, many of which end up in B.C. stores
If we were ever so lucky to have a Provincial Government appreciate or even recognize the social and economic potential of maintaining sound populations of anadromous species, we might one day find ourselves fishing over populations that are greater than a few hundred. What we offer here in British Columbia is nothing short of embarrassing