And what does this have to do with closing the Summer Chinook to retention 
My point regarding them being a 100% hatchery reliant run was just backed up by Dave. So why would you close them?
I have spoken about these runs with Don Johnson over at the Chehalis hatchery and he made some interesting points. These fish are originally from Spius or Finn Creek (can't remember which one of the two). He agreed that these fish are poorly suited to our local rivers and that there likely are more suitable stocks available. That being said, the permits required to introduce these stocks are now impossible to attain.
And no, the red fleshed Chinook encountered in the fall on the Chilliwack are not late running summer fish.
Hey don't get your knickers in a knot or the snotty attitude. There's no need to be so insecure!

I never contradicted what you said about the hatchery fish. I only corrected a little detail about Vedder's native run.
You want a pat in the back for knowing your fish? Sure. There you go. Atta boy!

FWIW, you can fish all the chinook you want in the Vedder. I catch mine in the ocean off Ucluelet every year and the occasional Fraser fish...

I will incidentally catch a few Vedder ones when chasing coho, but they all go back unless they are bullet chrome, red or marbled.And yes, I can figure that out without gutting the fish.