We are getting closer to the event and looks like everything is coming together finally. Here's a preview on what you can expect this year.
Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC will be attending once again and supplying fishing rods for kids to borrow. We'll have volunteers to help out on the pier, to make sure all the kids are fishing safely and catching fish. Hopefully, we will see some sculpin, pikeminnow, peamouth chub, starry flounder, largescale sucker, shiner perch, bull trout and possibly American shad and a few other estuary species.
Everyone will have a chance to bring their fish to the aquariums in a bucket so they can be viewed before being released back into the Fraser River.
Fisheries and Oceans Canada from Steveston will also be attending this year, so if you have questions on regulations, where you can and cannot fish, etc, this is your chance to ask.
Seymour Salmonid Society will be bringing some live juvenile coho salmon for their display once again.
Free juvenile saltwater fishing licences will be available on site for kids under the age of 16.
There'll be free flycasting and tying lessons available. Although these are mostly for kids, adults are welcome to join in too.