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Author Topic: Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon  (Read 5175 times)


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Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon
« on: June 30, 2011, 01:30:18 PM »

Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon

An adult sockeye salmon is released into Coquitlam Lake after returning to the base of the dam.
BC Hydro
By Jeff Nagel - BC Local News
Published: June 27, 2011 3:00 PM
Updated: June 27, 2011 3:16 PM

Metro Vancouver is spending $500,000 a year on fish ferries and other initiatives to increase salmon populations in its watersheds.

The number raised eyebrows among some directors at a briefing Friday.

Port Coquitlam Mayor Greg Moore said he also wishes B.C. Hydro was as keen to help with flood control along the Coquitlam River as it apparently is to assist with the reintroduction of sockeye salmon to the Coquitlam reservoir.

"It was atrocious to deal with them," he said, adding Hydro officials had to be "dragged kicking and screaming" into discussions on whether dredging, higher dikes or other options can prevent flooding of properties along the river.

Moore wanted to know how much partners like B.C. Hydro and the Department of Fisheries and Oceans pay towards Metro's fishery project costs.

Other directors say Metro must continue to exercise caution to avoid contaminating the region's drinking water reservoirs.

The risk is salmon that spawn and die in a reservoir will rot and attract bears, which then foul the water and introduce pathogens.

Salmon themselves could transport contaminants from the ocean up to the reservoir.

"It's something we need to look at – cautiously," said Surrey Coun. Marvin Hunt, who sits on Metro's water committee.

The Coquitlam reservoir has recently been reopened to sockeye salmon, which have begun to return in small numbers. They're trapped and trucked from the base of the dam to Coquitlam Lake to spawn but fishery advocates and the Kwikwetlem First Nation want a fish ladder built to make it easier and accelerate the recolonization of the reservoir.

Metro staff say a three-year study is underway to gauge conditions in the Coquitlam reservoir and help assess how big a sockeye population it could accommodate without risking the quality of the drinking water, which supplies the eastern half of Metro Vancouver.

But Hunt said that may be hard to determine, adding it's "highly debatable" how many sockeye should be permitted to go upriver past the dam.

"Our goal is to have clean, safe water for our citizens," he said.

Coquitlam Mayor Richard Stewart said he's not concerned about the re-introduction of sockeye, noting Metro bars access to its reservoirs and enjoys far superior water quality as a result.

"I know lots of communities around the world where their public beach is in their water reservoir – their swimming pool, their water skiing is in their drinking water reservoir," Stewart said. "That's certainly not the case in Metro Vancouver."

For advocates, reintroduction of the salmon run rights a historic wrong.

Coquitlam Lake's sockeye were stranded behind the dam when it was built in 1914.

They turned into land-locked kokanee that for nearly a century never tasted salt water.

In the last 10 years, some kokanee smolts used a channel through the spillway to escape down the Coquitlam River to the ocean.

Since 2007, they've started to come back as adult sockeye.

The numbers are so far small – just 11 adults returned in the best year to date to be carefully trapped and released by hand into the reservoir.

Belcarra Mayor Ralph Drew thinks lots more sockeye can come back without risking water safety.

"I think there's plenty of room to return to historic levels without compromising the water supply," he said. "Historically there's very low nutrient levels in the Coquitlam watershed just because of the mineralization. That has always regulated the total population of fish there."

Metro also plans to install a webcam in a fish trap in the Coquitlam River so online viewers can watch for the returning sockeye.

The regional district also puts considerable effort into ferrying coho salmon around the Cleveland Dam, which holds back the Capilano reservoir.

About 40,000 coho salmon smolts and 400 juvenile steelhead are now trapped in the reservoir each year and released below the dam.

Not all are intercepted, however, and some fish still go over the spillway and die in the steep plunge to the base of the dam.

another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon
« Reply #1 on: June 30, 2011, 10:44:26 PM »

Salmon themselves could transport contaminants from the ocean up to the reservoir.
I can't remember when I've read anything stupider anywhere.
Oh wait I do remember!

As part of my Volunteer Job I read the news from community newspapers to be broadcast on the net to the visually impaired and tri cities newspaper articles on area politicians are quite familiar to me after 18 months on the job.

Man Alive you couldn't imagine a more small minded self interested limited bunch of dolts if you tried for forty days and nights in a row.

God Help Us All if a bear takes a dump somewhere!!!



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Re: Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2011, 07:48:29 AM »

These same people thinks it,s ok to log in the watershed. But let an unchristian bear poop gives that weirdo Hunt the willies. He's a poo poo head.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2011, 04:59:39 PM »

Yeah that's definitely stupid.  I'm actually a little outraged.  My drinking water comes from Coquitlam Lake, as I live on the Plateau.  To think that they want to introduce Salmon to spawn in a reservoir is the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.  What's the point in getting only a few fish to spawn??  And then to risk contaminating our drinking water!  There are countless other rivers that efforts could be made to sustain a Sokeye population, which also aren't used as a reservoir.


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Re: Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon
« Reply #4 on: July 08, 2011, 07:55:21 AM »

ohmigosh Sam ... what about all of the comtaminants coming from the existing fish, the birds, bugs and other non-human mammals that live in the area?  ::)

They contribute more 'stuff' into our watersheds than what precious few fish coming back from the ocean could. 

To think that they want to introduce Salmon to spawn in a reservoir is the dumbest thing I've heard in a while.

And besides, the phrase should include 're-introduce'. They were once thriving in the lake - long before 'we' showed up.
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Re: Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2011, 08:22:37 AM »

Still just think about those fish peeing in the water.  :P Drives ya to drink.
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2011, 10:11:40 PM »

True True.  The existing fish lol.   I wonder what kind of fish they have in that lake?  There must be a ton, since you can't fish there.   

Troutbreath:  That was funny lol.   

Bavarian Raven

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Re: Metro cautious on sharing reservoirs with salmon
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2011, 03:29:16 PM »

True True.  The existing fish lol.   I wonder what kind of fish they have in that lake?  There must be a ton, since you can't fish there.   

Cutthroat trout and Kokanee (<-- the kokanee which are the descendents of the once massive sockeye run the lake had), whitefish and probably dolly vardens, and then the little fishes like stickle backs and the such.

as an aside, i know the upper coquitlam once had other salmon runs (beside kokanee), does anyone know if any of these other species of salmon became "land locked" up in coquitlam lake?