Some interesting fuel to add to the fire.
The last commercial opening was 3 hours - 2 of which were almost useless due to the ripping tide. For those of you who don't know, tides make a huge difference to commercial gillnet fishing as well. A fleet can fish on the river for hours and get almost nothing ( 5 - 10 fish a set lasting 20 min approx...) and then when the tide slacks and starts to back up you can catch 200 in a set or two before it slows down again. And this with hundreds of nets below you - just amazing how the fish seem to appear out of nowhere.
Anyways - my dad's friend is a fisherman's union rep and was at the discussion about the last commercial Fraser opening and originally it was going to be 2 hours. When they added the extra hour it was on the front end of the tide. When asked why it wasn't tacked on to the last hour they were told it was because of the FN commercial opening upcoming. There is a heirarchy, no doubt about it, whether you believe it is deserved or not is a different discussion but make no mistake about it there is a political order of operations when it comes to the fishing in this province.
Another area of discussion is the belief that a FN commercial opening is against the law - supported by Mr. Cummins and his many protests -, It is well known that many FN fisherman go out for "food" fish then store it and add it to their catch during a FN commercial opening. As usual, a few bad eggs spoils the batch. I don't blame them but i do think the lack of enforcement is what leads many to be angry and draws uncalled for racism and negative attitudes toward the FN. We also know many FN people who have given up their status cards and own a "regular" commercial liscence, pay for their own schooling, and pay taxes. Very interesting to hear their view on things.
Long live the Fraser salmon - lets just hope no one gets the idea to put up a dam!!!!!