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Author Topic: Non-tidal Fraser River, August 17th 2011: Being kind makes all the difference  (Read 1645 times)


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 Today I was in the area of Island 22 trying for sockeye but to my surprise, I caught a silver chrome 20 lb Spring, but had a lot of trouble trying to coax it to surface so my fishing buddy could net. After struggling for some twenty minutes, a gentleman waded through fairly fast water to where my boat was anchored, and tried to net the fish but he couldnt see the fish too because of water condition. Finally he told me to leave the boat and land it on shore, but the problem is that the water was waist deep and i am not built to withstand the current. He however assured me that he would hang on to me as he is very strong and tall, and so putting my faith in him, i jumped into the water, and sure enough i almost got swept away, if not for him. I was not in any danger though because the shore was very close by, and where i was, the current was pushing towards the shore. Anyway, he had a good hod of me, as i backed toward the shore and landed that beautiful bar of chrome. I of course thanked him profusely, and he most graciously accepted my appreciation and even said that I did a good job playing the fish. You know, it is times like this that make up for the other countless occasions when you meet nasty people who are just simply obnoxious.
 At the end of the day, one big sockeye, a super chrome Pink (yes Pink!!!), and the 20 lb Spring. I am happy!


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  • I does Christy

Always nice to hear that kind of thing. Obviously a real gentleman who's landed his share of fish that he can help others. Everyone can learn from that kind of selfless help.  :)
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Did you get it on roe?


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No, just a 3/O Gami with a small piece of red wool.


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My experience with people on the rivers is, with the exception of a few miseries out there,  mostly positive and I have learned at least as much by chatting to other fisherman as I have on this forum.   Of course, its sometimes been a case of the blind leading the blind when some come off as more knowledgeable than they really are but that's OK, all part of the enjoyment of learning.   I just hope the well intentioned help you got didn't put you in unnecessary danger - I wasn't there but that sounded a little hairy to me.  (..There have been all too many drownings this year)

« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 01:24:25 PM by fishseeker »


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You are so very right that sometimes the most well intended assistance can be reckless, and I appreciate your comment because in the end, we need to use our discretion. In my case, I did assess the dangers, and really there was none, with the exception that I might lose the fish in the process, but that is no big deal. The river this year is fast and furious even at this time, and yes, we all need to be extremely careful, and live to enjoy the wonderful sport of fishing.