I hope a few from this forum can attend the rally tomorrow. 4 of us from Chilliwack are coming in from Chilliwack
http://alexandramorton.typepad.com/alexandra_morton/2011/08/peaceful-wild-salmon-warrior-rally-august-30-tuesday-vancouver-art-gallery.htmlLast fall 100 people paddled down the lower Fraser River to let Justice Cohen know it is extremely important to us that the salmon farm disease records be given to the inquiry. We were successful. But last Friday, Justice Cohen created a new category of Exhibit; it can be viewed in the courtroom, but not listed on the Cohencommission.ca website like all the other exhibits.
This week Dr. Kristi Miller, the DFO scientist who is not allowed to speak to the press, gave evidence that:
a virus is killing and weakening 100s of millions of Fraser sockeye
She thinks the virus began in 1996, which is when salmon farms were placed on the sockeye migration route (off Campbell River)
The salmon farmers won't let her test their fish until after the Aquaculture hearings
Her funding has been removed for work on sockeye
On Friday, August 26 the Province of BC said that it was in the public interest not to release the Provincial records on the health of farm salmon.
If Christy Clark wants us have confidence that her government is serving the public interest - release the salmon farm disease databases. Fish farmers use net pens so all their waste will be washed away into the ocean. It is passing over the gills of wild salmon which are a public resource. It is not even clear that they own their fish as no one is allowed to own a fish in Canadian waters. They really can't have it both ways, if they are going to use our coast as a dumpsite, we need to know what it is.
If you want wild salmon, show up at the Cohen Inquiry 701 W. Georgia, 10 am - 4 pm - Mon-Friday until Sept 8 and bring the power of your presence to the Peaceful Wild Salmon Warrior Rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery August 30, 12:30 - 2
If we want any control over how our coast is being treated we are all going to have to make that clear to the powers that be. Salmon Are Sacred because they feed this coast.