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How many hatchery marked coho salmon from Chilliwack River have you kept in fall 2011?

0 :(
- 39 (32.8%)
1 - 5 :-\
- 39 (32.8%)
6 - 10 :)
- 19 (16%)
11 - 15 :)
- 14 (11.8%)
16 - 20 :D
- 2 (1.7%)
21 - 25 :D
- 3 (2.5%)
26 - 30 :o
- 1 (0.8%)
31+ :o
- 2 (1.7%)

Total Members Voted: 118

Author Topic: 2011 Chilliwack River fall salmon fishery information & water condition updates  (Read 128387 times)


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any report about the river condition?


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Well I got skunked again today for the 5th week in a row  :'(

same here!! decided hit up stave, only got a few chum, but no coho for me this season!!



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It's encouraging to see I'm not the only one. I thought I was the world's worst fisherman

Sterling C

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We all learned the same way. ;) I found the best way to learn how to fish, is by watching others and asking questions to guys who know what there doing. Once you get past the learning curve it becomes a whole lot easier.

That's a dangerous mindset. Back in the good 'ol days I'm sure this mentality would work but the reality of fishing the Vedder River these days is that 95% of guys out there are snaggers. If someone sees a bunch of snaggers catching fish after fish they are going to try to emulate what they are doing and a new snagger is born. Monkey see, monkey do.
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chris gadsden

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any report about the river condition?
No rain today, should be fine.


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That's a dangerous mindset. Back in the good 'ol days I'm sure this mentality would work but the reality of fishing the Vedder River these days is that 95% of guys out there are snaggers. If someone sees a bunch of snaggers catching fish after fish they are going to try to emulate what they are doing and a new snagger is born. Monkey see, monkey do.

True, I must be a monkey then.  ::) I guess the only real way to learn is time on the water and keep pounding at it. If your not hooking them in the mouth then you must be dong something wrong, lol.
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That's a dangerous mindset. Back in the good 'ol days I'm sure this mentality would work but the reality of fishing the Vedder River these days is that 95% of guys out there are snaggers. If someone sees a bunch of snaggers catching fish after fish they are going to try to emulate what they are doing and a new snagger is born. Monkey see, monkey do.

This is so true, exactly what I was going to say.

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That's a dangerous mindset. Back in the good 'ol days I'm sure this mentality would work but the reality of fishing the Vedder River these days is that 95% of guys out there are snaggers. If someone sees a bunch of snaggers catching fish after fish they are going to try to emulate what they are doing and a new snagger is born. Monkey see, monkey do.

I do agree with this and it seems to mostly be the case up there sadly. That being said, Im of the mindset that anything worth doing is worth doing right so I have been trying to learn as much as I can online and on the river. My first 2 outings did go this way because at the time, what I had been reading was telling me to be observant of others and see whats working for them. Those two outtings, snagging is what it was and thats what I did. I quickly learned that this wasnt right and stopped doing it.


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Thinking of fishing the Chedder tomorrow but don't know if the conditions are Ok after the rain this PM. Can anyone please give an update here? Appreciate it.

Sterling C

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It'll be fine. It's cold out here, a lot of it will be coming down as snow in the mountains...
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Thinking of fishing the Chedder tomorrow but don't know if the conditions are Ok after the rain this PM. Can anyone please give an update here? Appreciate it.
just check the river levels before you head out.
Going to try to go tomorrow, probably my last trip for the fall salmon season on the Vedder

chris gadsden

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Conditions great this am, devoid of people and coho? :-\

I did not fish but changed some garbage bags at Hoogies, great to see people using them, had 3 bags to cart away.


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I went to mid vedder yesterday, looks like fish are in upper river now...  Still a good experience, two chums were caught and released... :)


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Was on the river this afternoon. low-ish water level and clear water where we were about mid-river. I hooked into 3, played 1 but horsed it too much. lost all three and two nice blades along with. couldn't tell what they were but I'm betting chum given the time of day.


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Went to upper river this morning. Beautiful day on the river but a bit coolfor me. Reminded me of the steelhead season  :)
Hooked into 6 chums and gently released them. They were all pretty colored. Saw a couple of dark Cohos in the upper river but didn't see or heard of anybody catching any Hos. I think the coho run is almost over for the season.