I agree, its been tougher this year for sure. Not sure why because there seem to be just as many fish about.
I typically find myself fishing for about 2 hours in the evening and hitting a brief period, maybe 15 mins, where the bite is on then nothing. Its almost as if a wave of them move through very quickly and then they have passed the spot. One thing I have been aware of is the tides have not been coinciding nicely with the evenings when I can get off work for fishing. This week its been high slack when I can get off and I remember last season ('09) I was getting into got strong tidal movements coinciding nicely with evening and early mornings - maybe that helped.
That aside I have also found my landing ratio extremely poor - 2 fish landed out of about 8 hooked. The same seems to be happening to a lot of the people around me. I have had the same issues even with my sharpest hooks - I can't figure out if its me or if they are biting less aggressively and, hence, not getting great hookups.
(..The clarity has improved considerably from last week - I don't believe that is an issue any more. (Just my 2c)