Dear fellow Fishermen,
Hello, I'm new to this forum and I am also new to Salmon Fishing.
Couple days ago, fishing at a river, I realize how powerful Freshly cured Salmon Roes are, as the same fisherman consistently gets strikes and lands fish.
So I spoke with him and he generously gave me a hands full of salmon roe (approx 30 eggs).
So I tried to cure it myself with plain Borax (photo attached). However as it is my first time, I'm pretty sure I'm doing something as it doesn't look anything like the juicy salmon roes other people are producing solely with Borax. It seems to have this powdery White Borax covered onto it rather than returning to that shiny egg texture after 48 hours of Borax treatment. It the Borax powder supposed to be absorbed, or am I supposed to make roe bags and fish with the powder white Borax covering the egg?
Here are the procedures I did. If someone could tell me if I am doing it wrong. I'd greatly appreciate your help.
- Clean eggs individually of Blood and membranes (Picture 1)
- Lay out a white sheet of Letter size paper
- Put Borax on top of Paper to coat the bottom of the eggs
- Put eggs onto borax sheet -> Mix the eggs with Borax
- Put it back into the cleaned container and store it in the fridge. (Picture 2- White Borax on eggs)
Thank you for anyone's help in advance.