Back in winter 2002, Vic Carrao of STS Guiding Service lead a group of anglers to tackle the garbage problem on the Chilliwack River. At the end of that session, Chris introduced himself to all and expressed interest in expanding the program. I introduced myself to him, a month later, a dozen of us formed the Chilliwack Vedder River Cleanup Society. In September 2002, we hosted the first World Rivers Day celebration. In that same month, I discovered coho fishing on the Vedder.
Fast forward a decade, we are now celebrating the 10th annual World Rivers Day celebration! Throughout these years, hundreds of volunteers, including members from this discussion forum and other fishing websites, came out repeatedly to make this river a enjoyable place for all users by removing tonnes of garbage from river banks and trails.
On Sunday September 25th, the celebration begins with the Vedder River cleanup. Registration starts at 8:30am at the Chilliwack Fish and Game Club (
direction to the club house). Tim Hortons will provide coffee, donuts, muffins, juice once again for all volunteers. Please dress appropriately. Garbage bags, pick-up tools, rubber gloves will be available.
The cleanup will take place until Noon, when we will host a thank-you BBQ lunch for all volunteers. Draw prizes and other entertainment will wrap up the celebration by 2:00pm.
Please come and join us! You can fish for a couple of hours for the first light bite, then spend a few hours to make a difference and finish the day by making some fishing buddies. You can even try to get some secret fishing spots out of Chris.
We will add some interesting items to the draw prize pool so more of you will come out.
Items that we'll donate include fishing rods, fishing lines, bait cure, etc... I'll come up with an exact list of items that we will donate later once I go through all the items.
See you on September 25th!