Im just glad that he got caught. Sure mistakes can be made, ignorance happens in every aspect of life, but THREE wild coho is blatant disregard for the rules, or supreme ignorance. I would assume the former, in which I think more should be done towards the guilty party, but at least its SOMETHING. After reading about the Gong Show of the Vedder, and the lack of any presence of DFO officers, this is refreshing. I as a beginner, student, and timid angler would much rather a River that has some form of authority than a free for all. The river itself is intimidating, the stories after that are just icing on the cake. Hope they stick around!
I just saw 3 ho and 3 Chinook and a jack. I didnt see the chinook before! Then yeah, 800 and confiscation wasnt nearly enough. Should have been 250-500 per fish over the limit, and 500-1000 per coho. Or call it a grand a 15 days in prison. Either or.