I would care though I would say something, i dont care what they think I dont what a disgusting smelling smoke blown into my face. Marijuan is a drug.... that is why it is illegal
that is NOT why it is illegal my friend, it is illegal because of american politics, do a little research b4 ya start spouting off at the mouth, maybe watch the movie reefer madness and go talk with woody harrelson, another reason is because of the cotton farmers way back when, they wanted to keep the hemp industry down so they made the inference of hemp to weed and all the propoganda to go with it, blah blah blah, do some research and reading and it mite just open your eyes as to why it is illegal, how many ppl cant operate machinery after smoking a joint, u tell me its the same with alcohol, or pharmaceuticals or even cough medicine, you wont win this battle with me, im tellin ya rite now, and yes sandman i agree that discretion and common sense should come into play, something i have lots of, i would never just go walking by someone hauling down on a chonger okay, i have enough decentcy and respect, im not some 16 year old kid, and so your kid is 6 yrs old?, well you better have the talk now because i can tell ya rite now that i knew what weed and hash and a whole host of other things were b4 i was 6 yrs old so him/her knowing is not too far away in this day and age sir, remember that thing called tv or internet or movies, kids are a lot smarter and perceptive than u give them credit for, and u cant be with them 24/7, you may think that their friends parents dont smoke weed and maybe they dont but u truly never know, sorry to tell ya, u dont, so when little johnny and your son are at skool hangin on the playground and having a chat and johnny says to your son that his parents smoke funny lookin or smellin cigarettes, well, thats when it starts, im not even tryin to tell ya how or what to do with your children, IM JUST SAYIN, i could cite examples and scenarios all nite long but im sure ya get the point, DO NOT underestimate the mind, curiosity and perceptiveness of a child......they know stuff far b4 you or i realize they do.....holmes*