I coordinated sampling for this test fishery. Test fish are sold to PSC staff, anyone who approaches Don at the boat, and the remainder to Bruce's market (this is at the Whonnock test fishing site). This test fishery is not operated by the DFO. It's run by the Pacific Salmon Commission. We stopped test fishing at Whonnock on Sep 30th. Also, virtually every fish caught in the test fisheries are alive when they get in the boat. Gillnetting is considered a "terminal" fishery, as it's usage often kills fish over an extended period of time. However, due to the short duration of the drifts conducted at Whonnock and Cottonwood test fishing sites, the fish are almost always alive when caught. Any Steelhead and Coho caught as bycatch are recorded and let go, most of them swimming away energetically.
Hope this clears up any concerns.