Getting back to the topic at hand. The last few yrs that i pumped bugs.they were getting harder to find.Maybe that is why D.F.O implemented liescensing and a daily limit.Can remember a few times on different rivers when thats all the steelhead were biting.Then other times they wanted the roe.So one never knows,but having them on me ,upped the confidence level for sure.
Ghost shrimp are part of the life cycle for other creatures (seabirds and such) and the reduced number of ghost shrimp from harvesting or pollution or... is having a noticeable impact; hence the regulations.
Once you learn how to rig them so they stay alive (LOTS of Wiggle!) you'll soon discover they are The Best for steelhead!
Like a Fat Kid on a Smartie!!
I would not argue with the NOG, however: as pointed out they may be the game saver one day and a waste of time the next.
It was my job (in the sixties) to dig them out of the freshly pumped sand and offer my blood to the fishing gods (once you've dug a couple times you'll get it).
Ghost shrimp are not the magic bullet.
A valueable asset for sure but not the end all be all.
Most Newer guys want to know what's catching them when they should be more concerned with where they are.
Once you've figured out where they like to hang then hone in on the soup de jour.
They work quite often just because they're the most different thing they've seen that day.
P.S. The VEDDAR is not all rivers as some of the newbies seem to think.
Good luck out there but don't put all roe in one basket.
Cheers Nog, You could find fish with rubber bands and toilet paper.
Just the young guys (new) think it's all
this or that when it's actually putting
this and that together.