You're a good guy Geff. This thread has made me want to give stuff away. Who needs stuff?? Anybody?
If (and I mean only IF) you have any extra stuff to give away, i try to keep a couple spares of stuff on hand to take Cubs and Scouts fishing. Some of the youth that can't afford fishing stuff (or Scouting sometimes, but we cover their costs as part of our 'no one left behind' program) I will let them keep it after a couple of trips and see that they're into it. Out of 18 sets of different types of gear, I know of 12 youth that are still fishing regularily (not just with me) and a few of them have hooked their parents/guardians into it now!
Soooooo, I'm by no means begging, but if anyone is clearing out any of their stuff and would like to further the cause and help create some future fishermen/women, drop me an email! Doesn't matter what it is, waders/boots/gear there is a youth for every type of fishing (although, I don't have a boat so salt gear doesn't get used so much unless it's light stuff from canoes or kayaks the odd trip we make to sheltered areas in the salt).
Merry Christmas!