I've lost my last four steelhead. Three on flies (one on an intruder and the two other regular long shank steamer type flies) and the other fishing gear.
There's a lot of info out there that has been suggested: holding a loop of extra line, letting the fish turn before setting the hook, setting the hook toward the bank close to you.
Needless to say it's pretty tough to keep composure when you realize you've got a steely on your line, and I haven't hooked enough to give my own advice. But I do know that sometimes the hook just isn't in a great spot for setting, and for me there's nothing worse than feeling a take, and having your hook shoot back at you when trying to set it. So more than anything I've been trying to be patient in waiting for the fish to turn, but even then I've had them unbutton closer to the end of the fight.
Frustrating for sure, but also easy to overthink this topic.