Thanks guys, I'm very pleased with the number of people who have made the effort to send in a letter. They ARE read and I really do think it makes a difference.
While the loss of Kokish summer runs could be viewed as just a drop in the bucket, it puts it in perspective for me to remember that each run of fish is quite unique. If, say, a Bulkley summer run were transplanted to the Kokish, I think its pretty safe to say its chance ofspawning would be significantly lower than that of steelhead of Kokish origin. Each population is unique, and letting the Kokish go isn't just letting go of (?)% of BC's summer run steelhead, its letting go of a distinct run of fish that has adapted over thousands of years to be ideal for that particular river. If the IPP were to go ahead and it lead to disappearance of Kokish summer runs, that run is gone for good.
Thats pretty final... and that's why I wrote my letter.