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Author Topic: Fingers Crossed this will be funded  (Read 14325 times)


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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #15 on: February 07, 2012, 10:29:11 PM »

Yes... you quoted me....

Yes.....   again you quoted me.

Where have I suggested I was making something up? Neither are stories...  The first is referring to charities in general. The second is more specific to Morton and Staniford.

Where did I say that you suggested he was operating a charity? Because you left a link in your post without any explanation.....I was guessing as to why you would have posted a link showing you searched his organization's name under CRA's registered charities.  Did you have another reason for posting that link, or should I keep guessing?

Why would you be concerned that he might be receiving money personally?? If that is the case I would suggest you should be even more impressed by the commitment of his supporters, as they would be giving him a gift with after tax dollars because they wouldn't be entitled to a tax credit. As far other registered charities, they cannot gift money to anyone other than a qualified donee (registered charity). Corporations can spend their money any way they want. However if they give money to Don on a personal basis rather than through his charity, Don would be required to claim the money as personal income.

I'm not going to help you with all your homework Absolon. You'll have to figure out for yourself how their funding works....  But until you have some facts, I suggest you are just putting out theories.

Why don't you make a donation to to Don yourself? and ask him for a receipt....  ;D  I'm quite sure Don would appreciate that.

Contrary to your assertion that Staniford works under the umbrella of a registered charity that is transparent and aboveboard in it's finances, I suggest he is not. I do agree with your second contention that his "Alliance" is not a registered charity and also that it is completely obscure with respect to it's finances.

As an illegal alien for the last two years, Staniford can neither register a charity nor work for one. His website, which comprises the entire substance of his "Alliance", is not a registered charity. Staniford solicits donations for his "Alliance" but makes nothing public about his sources and uses nor does he demonstrate anything accomplished with those donations he receives. He declared at the beginning of this defamation episode that he has no assets. No assets, no income for at least two years.........who do you think has been buying his bed, beer and grub? Think he has been filing tax returns on the income he gets from his site? You want to donate, suit yourself.


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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #16 on: February 07, 2012, 11:07:18 PM »

Where did you get the idea that his "Alliance" is soliciting donations? 

You said that his "Alliance" is not a registered charity, so how could it possibly accept donations? Because his "Alliance" is not accepting donations, then it wouldn't have any sources, nor would it need to demonstrate what it does with the non-existent donations, would it?   ::)  ???

As far as buying his bed, beer and grub, you could probably ask him. However as a private individual he would probably answer you the same way you would if someone asked you that question.....   ;D

I also don't think you have to worry about whether he is filing tax returns.... The CRA looks after issues like that.

Stop the speculations already....  you're looking foolish.

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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #17 on: February 07, 2012, 11:09:58 PM »

Please donate to the legal fighting fund online here!


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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #18 on: February 07, 2012, 11:24:35 PM »

It is interesting how a thread about a proposed study that could prove conclusively if the salmon farms in Johnstone strait are or are not having a negative impact on migrating salmon has been tuned into discussion about Staniford's finances.  Talk about changing the subject.
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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #19 on: February 07, 2012, 11:27:43 PM »

Please donate to the legal fighting fund online here!

Even I can see that these "donations" are for the defense fund, not the Alliance's work. Where are the donations for the Alliance itself being solicited?
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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #20 on: February 07, 2012, 11:43:18 PM »

Staniford is the sole member of the "Alliance", and since the "Alliance" has no legal standing, he is legally indistinguishable from it. He personally is being sued for actions he undertook under the auspices of the "Alliance". It matters not which name he begs for support under, the money ends up in the same pocket.



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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2012, 12:01:36 AM »

It would appear that Staniford/GAAIA agree.


Please support the work of GAAIA - details online here

"online here" is a live link to this site:


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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #22 on: February 08, 2012, 12:06:05 AM »

It is interesting how a thread about a proposed study that could prove conclusively if the salmon farms in Johnstone strait are or are not having a negative impact on migrating salmon has been tuned into discussion about Staniford's finances.  Talk about changing the subject.

Off the rails with the second post..........this is the internet after all.  ;)


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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #23 on: February 08, 2012, 12:26:20 AM »

Off the rails with the second post..........this is the internet after all.  ;)

So perhaps a new thread titled "Fingers crossed that people stop funding Staniford" is in order?
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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #24 on: February 08, 2012, 07:33:03 AM »

Staniford sent. Have a cold one on me old boy. This poor guy's been living out of his backpack trying to save the salmon.

I like some of the comments on gofundme very heartwarming and positive:

"Don I will see you in Vancouver on Monday in support. I know this could be a long battle for you but the people of BC want wild salmon and those that know you and your efforts will stand up and support you. Salmon Farms are toxic to this coast. I applaud your fearlessness in standing up to this dangerous industry."
another SLICE of dirty fish perhaps?


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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #25 on: February 08, 2012, 07:39:59 AM »

It would appear that Staniford/GAAIA agree.


Please support the work of GAAIA - details online here

"online here" is a live link to this site:

Good work Absolon!   From GoFundMe help page: "Anyone can raise money online using GoFundMe's customizable donation pages. Our users often raise money for themselves or for friends they want to help out. GoFundMe was designed to allow everyday people to do wonderful things with the money they raise online."

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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2012, 07:44:09 AM »

Staniford sent. Have a cold one on me old boy. This poor guy's been living out of his backpack trying to save the salmon.

Nice!   ;D  ;D
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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2012, 09:55:15 AM »

So perhaps a new thread titled "Fingers crossed that people stop funding Staniford" is in order?

No doubt by the second post that one will be talking about the government conspiracy to conceal science.


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Re: Fingers Crossed this will be funded
« Reply #28 on: February 08, 2012, 09:57:17 AM »

Good work Absolon!   From GoFundMe help page: "Anyone can raise money online using GoFundMe's customizable donation pages. Our users often raise money for themselves or for friends they want to help out. GoFundMe was designed to allow everyday people to do wonderful things with the money they raise online."

I think we all know what the site is. I think it's also pretty clear that Staniford is soliciting donations on his sites.