don't confuse enviromental concerns with Anti ( whatever) Government. Governments policies are what will or will not keep them in power. personally I have as much distaste for any ultra
?? no matter what their political slant. In this case Harper is trying to circumvent an act. that has worked reasonably well. Has it flaws ? Yep, does it need fine tuning ? probably.
What serves us the the people of BC poorly, is a proposed wholesale changes in this act, as it it designed to allow an already unpopular project to go ahead, as the Act as it now is would impose well meant and needed restrictions on the project in General.
I think most Canadians are reasonable people, fair and honest, those are who we are now seeing reject Harper's ultra right policies and his outright attack on environmentalist, big E or small e.
In short Harper brought this down on himself and the conservative Party.It is also pretty obvious that Harper's office is struggling to maintain control over some of his more moderate backbenchers, a sure sign that he is stepping on thin ice when it comes to what Canadians think is right or wrong.
Do I want a radical left ? No !