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Author Topic: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012  (Read 3041 times)

chris gadsden

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Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« on: March 26, 2012, 07:24:41 PM »

Welcome to another Journal on Fishing with Rod, your top fishing web site in Canada for fishing information, discussion, educational videos, tips, tall tails, pictures and much more.

After losing 8 out of the last 10 hooked this month along with numerous misses I was hoping a new week would change things around. I had recently ditched the Owner hooks and was back to Gammies, hoping that would change things in my favour some.

As I left home I said to my wife if she had something out for supper as I know she had grown impatience waiting for me to bring a fish home after I kept the last hatchery one day short of a month.

A slight drizzle was falling as I reached the river to fish my usual circuit of runs. I was please to find the river in excellent shape. As well no other anglers were in sight, a fact I now am noticing during the week days as the season nears its end I am seeing less anglers on the flow.

In the first run I fish it does take me long to make contact with a steelhead but it, like the other 8 of 10 I have hooked and lost this month continues to lower my batting average as it boils to the top and gains its freedom very quickly.

I fish the run for a bit longer but no other iron head is willing to give me a chance to redeem myself, I then move on, to 4 other runs that have produced fish for me this year. The runs look perfect to me but not to the fish apparently as no one is home at the time I work through them.

I return to the run I started at and lost the fish but also to no avail so I decide to head for coffee after 90 minutes of fishing time.

On the way out I get a call from Lew who asks about the day so far and tell him another loss. We decide to meet for coffee in about 20 minutes. As I walk along the Rotary Trail I meet Terry who is out for a walk today instead of fishing. He tells me one was caught above where we are standing and more were caught there yesterday.

Terry continues his walk and I continue my walk out. As I reach the run where Terry told me a fish was taken this morning I see one of the two anglers there with a fish on that is landed and released.

I decide I have a few minutes before I am to meet Lew so decide to throw a few casts. I am not on the best side to fish this run because of a steep bank and rip rap. What the heck might as try as I doubt I will hook a fish anyway, I have had my chance for today. I make maybe a dozen casts and get hooked on a rock near the shore that I have to move down to the shore line to free the hang up.

I donot what makes me make another cast but I throw out to the middle of the run and to my surprise the Maple Leaf Drennan disappears, I set the hook knowing I am way off the bottom. I have made contact with a moving object, yes a steelhead.


My first thought of course will this fish get off too like so many for me all season as I have said many times. This is a terrible place to play a fish and if it takes off downstream I cannot follow as a line of willows will prevent that. I am glad Nick at Chilliwack Dart and Tackle had put on some new line with the Avon topped up nicely with a nearly full drum. I also have increased my pound test of line up to 12 pound after breaking 3 fish off this year with lighter mainline and leader.

The fish cooperates and does not run too far downstream and it is not long after that I determine it is a hatchery and with no fish for the table in a month it will be going home with me, if I land it that is. As I said this was a poor area in which to land a fish so I make sure I tire it out before I slip it onto a bit of a shelf of the rip rap. It lays there long enough for me to slip my fingers behind the hen’s gill plate and pack it up the bank; finally I have broken my losing streak which was sitting at 5 in a row. Did the Gammies do the trick in landing this 10 to 11 pound fish or was it just the law of averages?

A picnic table is close by so I can sit down to record on my license my 6th steelhead of the season that I have retained. I phone Lew to inform him I will now be a bit late meeting him for coffee. With this done I hustle off to meet Lew who is patiently waiting, to hear another fish story too.

Dave also stops by and we chat not about fish farms but about the cut backs of the fertilization projects on the Chilliwack Vedder River and other rivers in the Lower Mainland. Dave has written a letter to the editor in the Chilliwack Progress and he has talked to members of this forum about this as I have. We also have heard from FOC so a meeting should be happening soon and things may look favourable to continuing these projects if funds can be obtained and help from concerned anglers. (Thanks to those to date that have stepped forward from this forum offering money and help) A big thanks to Dave for getting this out to us.

As we get ready to leave, Lew to fish and Dave to tie up rods, Terry who I met on trail before I hooked the fish stops by and said “do you own a blue Nokia cell phone”? “Yesssss I do” I say. “Well I think you left it on the picnic table along with your gloves, I left it there as I thought the person would be back for it” he says.

What I beak I say to myself as I jump into the Leaf Mobile and head back to the river to see if it was still there. I guess I was in such a hurry to meet Lew I forgot to pick it up after phoning him and marking my license.

I imagine it was there for an hour and then maybe 15 minutes since Terry last saw it. When I arrive the table is bare, darn. Well after returning many cell phones I have found over the years I hope the person that picked it up is honest. I head to find a pay phone to call my number but on the way out I see two walkers and ask if they had seen my phone on their walk but no they had not. I ask if they had a cell phone and if I could use it, they said sure. We dial my number and on the first ring I am pleased to hear, “hello”. I say “I guess you found my phone”. What a silly question. He tells me he is just down the road so in no time we meet up and my phone is back in my possession, whew. I thank him very much, should have given him a tip but was so happy to get it back I did not think of it at the time.

The end of another journal where I lost a fish, landed one, lost my cell phone got it back, made for another interesting day in ones fishing life.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2012, 08:25:46 PM by chris gadsden »

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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2012, 07:34:25 PM »

Well done Chris!

silver ghost

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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2012, 07:44:05 PM »

great job chris! post a photo!!!


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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2012, 07:52:33 PM »

sweet buddy! nice work

Fish Assassin

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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2012, 08:36:33 PM »

Karma for the all the good work you've done


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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #5 on: March 26, 2012, 08:46:39 PM »

Second that!

chris gadsden

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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #6 on: March 26, 2012, 08:48:56 PM »

great job chris! post a photo!!!
Sorry, seldom take pictures of my fish these days.


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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2012, 08:55:38 PM »

Great report, and yes karma for all the garbage you pick up and all your good deeds on the Vedder :)

hawg hunter

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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #8 on: March 26, 2012, 09:01:02 PM »

Been a long time since I have posted a report. Probably because I have become a full convert to the "two handed" way of fishing. Well this is how I am going to remember it...Not just the fact that my hook-up average stinks this year.

This morning I had the opportunity to actually get out to the river for first light. I arrived at 6:30am at my desired location only to find 3 trucks already in the parking lot. I guess early means before daylight? I think I am starting to get old....I get the spey rod out, line it up and head down to the river. To my surprise there are 4 people working the run I wanted to fish but much further down. I start at the head of the run, cast, step, swing, wash, rinse, repeat...I notice a few of the guys were moving on and I was able to work my way down the run. I have a friendly chat with a fellow accross the river as I am in the middle of my swing. He says "pretty slow" just then I get a take...and of course I miss it! as I tell him what just happened I make another cast to the same location. The fly is swinging through the same spot as I had the take when Wham! a solid take this time and the fish runs accross the top of the water trying to free herself. The sound of the Hardy Perfect singing her sweet song to my ears. After a couple of spirited runs I was able to get this prettly little doe to cooperate for a couple of pictures and sent her on her way. Not a Monster but a pretty fish nonetheless.

Shortly after this, two gear chuckers managed a double header. Was pretty cool to see. Saw two more fish hooked after this.

Our tradition is that of the first man who sneaked away to the creek when the tribe did not really need fish.  ~Roderick Haig-Brown


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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #9 on: March 26, 2012, 09:48:03 PM »

There must be a lot of fish in the river because even I hooked some! ;D ;D ;D I find it difficult to start my fishing first thing in the morning now, at least for steelhead. The last few trips, I've just been heading out at 2:00pm and fished until dark.

A quick phone call to Chris around Noon today got me out of the house pretty fast. ;D Fished run #1 without any success, probably because it has been fished through all day. Including Chris' fish, there were at least 4 fish hooked at that run.

Tried out run #2 where we caught some back in February. One guy was already packing a fish out, two guys on the other side left soon after I arrived. Once the crowd cleared, I was into some action. Watched the float drifting down the river and it shot straight under the water, yet my eyes kept going down the river as if I am watching a phantom float. ??? Once I realized what had happened, I shifted my eyes back up and didn't even need to set the hook because the fish had already taken off with my line. I felt two hard pulls and the fish simply popped off. Ten minutes later, slightly further upstream, the float went down again. This time the hook-set was fine but the fish again popped off after two seconds! ::)

Weather and river conditions were fantastic... Nothing for the rest of the day. I decided to try out these "Little Shaver" spoons made by Yakima Bait today, as Carlo recommended. Lots of fry in the water so these spoons seem to imitate them pretty well. The take-downs seem harder too. I was quite impressed and can't wait to try them again. :)


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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #10 on: March 26, 2012, 09:55:17 PM »

Chris,I enjoy your writing very much and it is very funny too!


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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2012, 10:37:26 PM »

Nice fish.. I tried those colours on Friday but did not have any success with the single hander.
Not all those who wander are lost


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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2012, 08:49:29 PM »

Once again a great read chris. You deserved that fish. I was feeling bad for not getting a solid hookup for three days.
And you put up with it for a month,Ugh! I know that run, I just haven't gotten there this year. way too many people usually.
Was out today, not a lot  of fish around the areas i fished, but did manage to assist a fellow angler in releasing a wild buck about 14lbs plus.
Had a nasty gash on one side from a tussle with a seal at some point, but looked to be in good shape otherwise.


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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #13 on: March 27, 2012, 09:03:07 PM »

just love your reports chris
I can almost visualize where you are, not the exact spot just you on the river
you certainly put your time in on the water and do good deeds along the way
nice to here you get into some fish (even though you are using blunt hooks) :D
hope i meet you on the river some day


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Re: Chilliwack River, March 26th 2012
« Reply #14 on: March 27, 2012, 09:10:01 PM »

Nice catch, always good to see one on the spey! Keeps the enthusiasm up, have mainly been swinging so far this year and I have landed one dirty buck that had been in the river for a while, lost one and had a couple of pulls in in about 10 trips with the two hander!!!