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Author Topic: Some fish farm reading.  (Read 24221 times)


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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2012, 06:40:22 PM »

And then there were none.

chris gadsden

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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2012, 08:29:59 PM »

Hell, some don't even bother to read your posts because you continually disprove the misinformation spouted by Morton et al and they don't like that.
I hope you have taken the time to watch the 4 videos I posted from what Craig Orr said and I await what you and some others of the pros can say to dispute what he has said. ;D
 I am sure he and many others of us would like your input on the information he has provided.

If you and the others missed the links here they are again. ;D ;D



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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2012, 09:03:26 PM »

I did see all 4 links of Craig talking to 6 or so people. Text book anti salmon farming chitty chat under the title of saving wild salmon.  Even he said " ISA LIKE Virus.  And he sure did not talk to much about that.  He also mentions alaska not having fish farms.  What a load a carp that is.  All these types want to talk about is salmon farms when it come to solving wild salmon issues.  If you ask me I would say that he couldn't really get into the alaska thing or commercial fishing.  That would axe the funding pretty quick.  IMO
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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #18 on: April 09, 2012, 01:20:07 AM »

Well Chris I looked through the first 3 videos and noted the following right away:

1. Craig Orr doesn't seem to remember the Terms of Reference of the Cohen Inquiry.  For being an active participant at the inquiry and doing many media interviews, I am surprised that he made such a obvious mistake during his presentation; however, I do not imagine that his audience would have picked up on it because they probably thought that he knew what he was talking about in this regard.  Contray to what Craig says, the inquiry was not about seeking to find fault.  This is what the Terms of Reference says in this regard:
 "to conduct the Inquiry without seeking to find fault on the part of any individual, community or organization, and with the overall aim of respecting conservation of the sockeye salmon stock and encouraging broad cooperation among stakeholders."

2. I wonder why Orr never talked more about Broughton Pink Salmon.  How well did those correlative studies in 2007 do in predicting the extinction of Pink Salmon there?  How well did Pink Salmon there do before and after fish farms?  Did he take a look at Pink Salmon escapements before fish farms and after fish farms?  What are the major Pink producing systems in the Broughton and were they all represented in previous studies?  When you consider that computer modelling are based on certain assumptions being true, would it be a good idea to ground truth these computer modelling/correlative studies done in the Broughton with what the fish are actually doing?  What have these populations been doing over the long term?  Why do farm critics generally only talk about the odd Pink years when even years are substantially more dominant?  He avoids all of these in his presentation.  Who is doing the "SCAM" now?


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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2012, 04:52:01 PM »

I see Mr Orr is a big follower of Goebells just like those other 2...... ;D
Take the T out of Morton.


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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #21 on: April 10, 2012, 09:41:07 AM »


As Don S.  himself would say," when in a hole, stop digging."
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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #22 on: April 10, 2012, 10:40:08 AM »

As Don S.  himself would say," when in a hole, stop digging."

What has "digging a hole" in common with having someone out there who for no personal benefit is doing everything they can to ensure the survival of the wild salmon. Reading salmon farm commercials from folks like yourself are not doing anything to ensure the survival of our wild salmon, all they are doing is trying to convince the public that they are not responsible for killing them.
Disclosure:  This post has not been approved by the feedlot boys, therefore will likely be found to contain errors and statements that are out of context. :-[


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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #23 on: April 10, 2012, 11:20:47 AM »

What has "digging a hole" in common with having someone out there who for no personal benefit is doing everything they can to ensure the survival of the wild salmon. Reading salmon farm commercials from folks like yourself are not doing anything to ensure the survival of our wild salmon, all they are doing is trying to convince the public that they are not responsible for killing them.
If AM was truly serious about saving wild salmon she would be doing all she could to stop overharvesting by all sectors and asking questions about Alaska's salmon ranching policies.
Pushing for habitat protection would help too.

chris gadsden

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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #24 on: April 10, 2012, 02:48:06 PM »

If AM was truly serious about saving wild salmon she would be doing all she could to stop overharvesting by all sectors and asking questions about Alaska's salmon ranching policies.
Pushing for habitat protection would help too.
There is only so much a volunteer can do, these would be good challenges  you noted for the pro fish farm members on this forum to take up but maybe they are busy as volunteers like you and I. ;D ;D :-\

 This afternoon I went fishing and spent some time pulling 2 large BC Conservatives election signs out of the Vedder. Nearly fell in, I sure would not have wanted to drown for those guys but could not leave that type of pollution in the water. :o ::)

 Must phone them so they can come an retrieve them from the side of the Rotarty Trail.


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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #25 on: April 11, 2012, 07:07:59 PM »

If AM was truly serious about saving wild salmon she would be doing all she could to stop overharvesting by all sectors and asking questions about Alaska's salmon ranching policies.
Pushing for habitat protection would help too.

But no,  strangely she chooses not to.  If it was truly for no personal benefit don't you think she would be covering all the bases.  Salmon farms= smoking guns is her perspective and that just is not a fact. 
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chris gadsden

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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2012, 08:12:00 PM »

But no,  strangely she chooses not to.  If it was truly for no personal benefit don't you think she would be covering all the bases.  Salmon farms= smoking guns is her perspective and that just is not a fact. 
Too bad the government is not doing what you suggest. ???


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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2012, 07:12:32 AM »

But no,  strangely she chooses not to.  If it was truly for no personal benefit don't you think she would be covering all the bases.  Salmon farms= smoking guns is her perspective and that just is not a fact. 

It's almost impossible to catch you fish feedlot supporters off guard.....   Your message is consistent whether you run commercials, news releases or forum posts.

For clarification; salmon farms = smoking gun is a fact. Logic dictates that you can't dump the crap you guys dump in the ocean and then suggest you aren't harming the ocean life.
Disclosure:  This post has not been approved by the feedlot boys, therefore will likely be found to contain errors and statements that are out of context. :-[


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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2012, 01:45:17 PM »

For clarification; salmon farms = smoking gun is a fact.

Which salmon stock has it obliterated as you suggest?

Logic dictates that you can't dump the crap you guys dump in the ocean and then suggest you aren't harming the ocean life.

This is a good example of your lack of understanding of the effects/coverage and protocols on bottom management.  It is not as simple as the anti's would lead you to believe.  Bottoms under salmon farms are closely monitored and regulated. 
  I am a salmon farm supporter, proud of it.  Proud to see the leaps and bounds the industry has made to reduce risks to both farm and wild stocks.  What is interesting is that the other supporters on this forum are not salmon farmers like myself.  They have nothing to benefit from supporting salmon farms and they come from various walks and are very knowledgeable.  The fact is that some of the supporters here are accomplished fish biologists that have worked in other (salmon)fields entirely and for many years.  Those individuals seem to bring the most to this forum when it comes to information about salmon management.  So why would they support salmon farming in BC?  Why?  How could it be?  Insert conspiracy theory here, I guess.


Chicken farm, pig farm, cow farm, fish farm.

chris gadsden

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Re: Some fish farm reading.
« Reply #29 on: April 12, 2012, 02:07:39 PM »

Which salmon stock has it obliterated as you suggest?

This is a good example of your lack of understanding of the effects/coverage and protocols on bottom management.  It is not as simple as the anti's would lead you to believe.  Bottoms under salmon farms are closely monitored and regulated.