Be far better that Alberta is forced to process their Tar to a less environmentally dangerous product before transportation.
Be far better that Canada set up and maintains a process plant that is capable of processing that product, enabling we Canadians to be less likely to be held hostage by foreign oil inc.
Far better that any province and Canadian Governments place a levy based on the barrels pumped to help cover environmental rehab and to pay for the realty that will be made unusable by the people of those Provence's affected, also might be an idea to add a percentage point or two to be put into a fund directed towards our medical systems.
I have a very real concern that this is a done deal, despite the apparent wishes of the majority and Harper Inc. will be smart and only affect one Province ( BC ). Why open the battle up to multiple fronts, He and the BC Liberals ( pseudo Cons. ) are willing to jeopardise their political seats to ensure that their narrow minded views come to fruition.