Alexandra Morton 9:45am Jun 11
This is a plea to anyone who knows why salmon farms around Campbell River are being emptied rapidly. The rumours are continuing that there is a serious disease outbreak. These are only rumours, we need facts if we are going to protect wild salmon from lethal viral spills. Now is the time to have some courage, I know the industry is powerful and frightening, but think about the future of this coast, your children if you have any, or even think about yourself. When you became a fish farmer or a deckhand on a packer you no doubt thought this industry would not hurt wild salmon. No one wants to be responsible for viruses pouring into the migration route of most of BC's wild salmon off Campbell River. You can message me on my facebook page, or email me there are dozens of you involved in this and one of could find the courage to let me know what is going on so we could ground truth this.