Bill in all seriousness, this is a fight that can only be waged through free media. It takes a lot of money to make the public aware of an issue and unlike the feedlots and the government, Ms Morton has little. Using the FN to help promote an awareness of the dangers these feedlots hold for our oceans is brilliant. The FN will make noise about it and the media tends to pick up stories like that.
Now if you are like the pro feedlot fellows on this thread that either don't believe the feedlots are harming our wild salmon, or are in the unfortunate position of having to support their families by working in the feedlot business, then you will also likely criticize Ms Morton for using the FN group in this way.
I personally think she is doing a great job of turning up the heat on the feedlots and the government. Without her heroic efforts the feedlots would be a greater threat than it appears they already are.