This a very good suggestion that should re-read when you are giving advice on WHALE FISHING--I have been waiting to read your reply and now that I have I will be more than happy to DELETE your forum off my computer.
Please, re-read your own replies Harley. You are as abrasive as they come. First you criticize others for viewing, but not posting, your requested pattern. Even though it was explained that most viewers were expecting to
see a krill pattern, not
produce one for you (I had thought, if you did not post one yourself, someone else may have, but I myself have no such patterns), you still criticize forum members for "hording" [sic] information, which could not be further from the truth. If you browse this forum you will find hundreds of shared fly patterns. I really doubt anyone is keeping their krill patterns a secret from you. You called out Rodney, who has admitted in numerous threads and videos that while he does cast flies, he does not tie them (at least not well, by his accounts). He did offer sage advise (the catching a humpback whale comment was not abrasive, it was using a humorous example of a species that actually eats krill, it is too bad you have no sense of humour at this point) that the use of krill (and you cite Chris and Nick's success at Kawkawa Lake with
actual krill) is born out of a choice of desirable scent (while you may not believe it, one small krill gives off a factor of magnitude more scent than a fly pattern will). Why you would think being critical of forum members would get more friendly advice than a polite request would, is beyond me. If you feel you would get better advice on another forum (perhaps the one you poked in 2009), then by all means return there. But do not come on here a hurl insults at people that are proven time and time again to be extremely helpful and generous with their time, knowledge and advice.