4 years old? How old is too old?
The new research used official government data from Canada, Scotland, and Ireland to compare the survival of wild salmon and sea trout in regions with salmon farms to adjacent, farm-free areas.
Researchers found a dramatic fall in salmon catches and abundance since the 1980s in areas of the North Atlantic and northeast Pacific where production of farmed salmon has increased over the same period.
How old is too old for a link to be posted? Maybe now, in this case, when it's irrelevant because sea lice are a non issue in BC; irrelevant because Pacific and Atlantic salmon cannot interbreed; irrelevant because the declines to wild salmon mentioned have been happening worldwide for decades, not just near fish farms; irrelevant because disease resistance and immunities between onchorhyncus and salar are unique and not yet fully understood and was not addressed in this report and; irrelevant because numbers of BC sea trout, one of the most impacted species in this study, can probably be counted on 2 hands, all from the Cowichan River.
None of the above is new, all has been said before on this site.
Burbot, do some research on Norway's salmon industry and specifically an introduced parasite named Gyrodactylus salaris.
Chile? Greedy husbandry and worse environmental controls. Phfft