I am Annie Paddle /Heather Olney the poster of the change.org petition to "restrain " Morton from trespassing against security and quarantine measures put in place by CFIA. First of all the petition was started by me and me alone as a sarcastic response through my Twitter account to Morton's petition against Costco and Safeway. Much to my amazement within five minutes 5 people had actually signed it. So I reconsidered and out of curiosity decided to let it take it's course. For those thinking 121 signatures isn't much my response is the total population of North America is some 340 million people. Morton's 12,000 signatures are equally as irrelevant as are my 121. Two people signed the petition that are Morton supporters. One she claimed by mistake and then sent me threatening emails telling me to remove it or quote " I would be sorry " unquote. The other was a rather nasty man from Smithers who by his own admission signed it so he could leave nasty comments and call me profane names including the use of the c word in a public forum. He harassed me for days then demanded I remove his name . Hence my reference to those signing it to contact change.org help-desk if they wanted their names removed. It was never my expectation that I would receive any signatures nor my intent. I was simply being sarcastic. However for some reason those 121 signatures hit a nerve and the Morton crazies leaped to the fore especially on the Salmon are Sacred website where I was accused of starting a petition under a false name and called stupid for thinking by posting my picture on the petition I could hide my identity. Laughable as the fact that Heather Olney and Annie Paddle are one and the same has never been a secret. My disquis user name was my real name Heather Olney as is my Twitter name Annie Paddle my real name. I am called Annie by my husband and closest friends and relatives. Paddle is the name I was born with and Olney my married name. Quite simple . As for the profane names I have been called on the petition now removed by the site administrator well guess that's the mentality of Morton supporters. They didn' t hurt me in the least but certainly raise the question of the mentality of Morton supporters. For example as brought to light by June Sharkey's Protesting the Protesters article " mean little girls and boys " Salmon are Sacred's Facebook page suddenly was awash with silly comments about me. Gee a handful of signatures but the Morton bunch felt that threatened ? Tells me they are better at doling it out than they are at taking it. One individual initials LH went so far as to claim she worked with my husband, he was making back room deals with fish farms and the DFO while on the Mifflin plan, he and I have several sons who own jointly with friends the MHI transport fleet etc. Truth is she doesn't even know my husband, she worked with my father-in-law who shares the same name who never worked on a FF a day in his working life and yes he sits on the board of the native owned lodge on Quadra which she also stated and which I see no relevance as it isn't even a position that has any re-numeration nor does it have anything to do with my petition or salmon wild or farmed. As for sons my father-in-law has one my husband who yes he runs the Orca Chief and he is senior master over MHI transport vessels but own them No. Easily found out by making vessel queries on the Transport Canada website. My husband and I have NO children but my husband raised two daughters of mine from a previous marriage also irrelevant but I state it for the record. As for working with my husband on the Mifflin plan sorry no she didn't . We in fact lived in Yellowpoint at the time of the Mifflin plan and worked on the Holland Creek Trail in Ladysmith where we resided up until 2005. Petty lies told by a supporter to make me appear to have a financial vested interest in Salmon farming. Those comments have since apparently been removed since I told her to remove them or she would hear from my lawyer. She has since made further comments about my husband owning a gill netter. He doesn't . We sold our last gillnetter sixteen years ago and have had no interest in Commercial salmon fishing since. I can only assume that telling falsehoods in public forums is what Morton and her supporters are all about and seem to do best. Further to that they only allow their "friends" to comment on their web blogs so I cannot even refute the lies told about me. Convenient way of making it look like their posts are factual because the person or company they are commenting about appears to have not had a response. Stacking the deck is all it amounts to . Morton's recent antics indicate to me she is loosing support rapidly and becoming more desperate as weeks pass. She claims to want to protect wild salmon but has now smeared wild salmon as being full of assorted diseases. Thanks Alex way to protect one of BC's most valued resources. Perhaps if she really cared about wild salmon and if her supporters really cared about it they would be the ones out doing stream clean ups and repair of salmon habitat instead of trolling the internet with their silly sea lice stuck to their faces dressing as trees, dumping muck at FF offices, leaving their garbage up and down the island on their racist get out migration and assorted other wilful acts of public mischief and vandalism. As to the party posting about Slapp suits considering the multitude of garbage Morton has spewed and posted all over the internet including falsifying the picture from Wikepedia etc she's more in a position to be slapped than anyone signing my petition is. And yes she was slapped at the Cohen enquiry . As for the people who signed my petition I thank you from the bottom of my heart for standing up for what you believe in and putting your names to it. The woman needs to be stopped before she does irreputable harm to ALL salmon farmed or wild.