people in places like indian arm, woodlands, sunshine falls, cascades etc. (and to a lesser extent Deep Cove). they NEVER take their traps in. 24/7, check them once a day. I grew up there and poaching was/is RAMPANT. The worst poachers weren't local. And to add insult to injury, they would leave SO MUCH garbage behind and since there are no public washrooms they would crap under the dock. You'd go to the beach on a beautiful sunny day and there's be little white piles of toilet paper piled in a pyramid over a mound of someone's crap, literally crap! Those smart enough to crap below the high tide line did the locals that one tiny courtesy.
One time when I was about 9 years old, my dad and I were walking home from the neighbors and we saw a group of crabbers (read: poachers) walking to their car with a big bag. They saw us and kind of shuffled about and then shoved the swollen plastic bag into one of those big bins full of road salt. My dad casually sauntered over, opened the lid, looked in the bag, full of undersized crabs. He very matter of factly lifted the bag out, closed the lid, walked to the dock and threw the crabs back in the water.
I'm sure coastal communities are even worse in remote locations, that being said, they probably have much healthier populations and won't put a dent in them.
What's my point? Nothing really, poachers just suck.