That's interesting..... you are suggesting it is possible for someone to take the data and make the summary report say whatever they want?
Perhaps that's what the feedlot people are doing right now! Everyone knows Dr Marty is the DFO/feedlot's lapdog and will say anything they want him to say.... and sound convincing!
That's exactly why we need the public to see the raw data so we can use our own experts to analyze the data. If Dr Marty has a problem with the analysis then he is certainly free to speak up. At least the public sees it from another perspective if one exists.
We don't need someone to chew our food for us......
Actually, it is possible for someone to take the data and make the summary report say whatever they want. The difference is that Dr. Marty is a board certified fish pathologist - Ms Morton is not. Dr. Marty and his immediate colleagues are obligated to clearly outline their methodology as you have seen in the annual reports that I have posted for you. Ms Morton produces no reports on her fish health raw data - only blog posts on safe sites. Ms Morton will say her sampling group uses “standardized protocols”, but does not explain what they are – instead wants you to trust her (very transparent, huh…lol?). People like Dr. Marty had to testify at a judicial inquiry to explain this raw data that WAS released to the public. This means that your experts, which you do not mention, can look at it themselves. Dr. Marty also had to explain his methodology which was also made public on transcripts. On the other hand, people like Ms Morton, who has no experience with fish pathology or fish biology, merely takes this raw data and makes her own conclusions – not held to the same standards as Dr. Marty.
Ms Morton then has fish sampled, sent to a lab for testing and then makes these bold claims of alphaviruses (first ever occurrence in BC waters apparently) and reoviruses which she posts on her blog, but doesn’t feel obligated to inform the public of her raw data. Does she believe that you are not able to understand it, AF? Do you think she is hiding something? Here is 1 of the 3 premises of the Dept. of Wild Salmon:
Salmon health has to be public information to make the decisions that will produce the most salmon.Somehow it seems the release of salmon health information and methdology only applies to people like Dr. Marty but not to people like Ms Morton. Ms Morton is clearly a hypocrite that says one thing and does something else. It should be pretty obvious to anyone who is much more transparent and forthcoming. Time to get off of Ms Morton’s lap, AF.