Its not much but it'll do.
I'll be the wet blanket here and say I don't support it in BC, until I understand it more.
WA and OR states went that route because they dammed the mainstem of the Columbia. Of course, salmon popualtions plumetted, and the few fry the were fortunate enough not to be crushed going over the spillways, and were able to descend the fish ladders, were mauled by the NPMs waiting at the bottom. A NPM bounty was easier than pulling the dams out.
The Fraser has different problems and mainstem dams is not one of them. Salmon fry/smolts and NPM have co-existed in balance for millenia. To me, to me at this point, to introuduce a NPM bounty is knee jerk, and dangerously interferes with the ecosystem. There are many examples throughout human history of a concerted effort to wipe out, or mitigate the threat, of a predator (or a pest) and years later there being some serious, and unintended, negative consequences. To such a degree that a century later, they are attempting to re-introduce the predator back into the ecosystem. Yellowstone wolves spring to mind.
A NPM bounty in BC seems to be a no brainer, however the BC experience is not the WA or OR experience and it concerns me until I can understand it more.
Having said that, a NPM bounty would be a huge amount of fun