Do people not know how to read regs or just don't want to follow them?
I was fishing the Cap this evening and all of a sudden, a group of 4 people show up, pull out their little trout rods and start fishing. Then another man and his wife show up. All 6 of them were using bait (worms, roe, single eggs, corn), stuffing little smolts, cutties and I think a dolly (it was already starting to get dark) into bags. Just throwing them in. They had barbed hooks and were ripping the fishes lips when removing the hook. I approached all of them and told them what the regs were and that they were not allowed to do what they were doing. They said "Ok sorry man, I didn't know, I'll change it right away." Not 5 minutes pass when I look behind me and hes putting another fish into a plastic bag, using bait and keeping every fish they catch. I folded up my fly rod and just sat down by the viewing platform and watched. They were fishing well past dark and probably fished well after I left as they where pulling out their chairs.
I don't get people that just can't read the regs before they go out and fish, I phoned it in but no one showed up. The few fish they did put back were thrown in, some hitting rocks on the way down. Wonder how many smolts they killed...