Q Dr. Garver, these questions are for you, and they relate to IHN. My question, in a general sense, is there any evidence that the prevalence of IHN stocks in B.C. sockeye salmon have changed since the 1990s?
DR. GARVER: So a predecessor of mine, Garth Traxler, began a surveillance program for IHNV in various sockeye salmon stocks, and so we have -- it's actually one of the few diseases or pathogens that we have a very long-term monitoring program for, and he started this back in 1986. And what we found is that the prevalence values vary considerably from year to year and between stocks, and since that monitoring period there were a few outbreaks in salmon farms. And when we compare those times during the outbreaks to the stocks that we are looking at for IHN prevalence, it didn't appear to change the prevalence in the wild stocks. In other words, it wasn't a driving factor for the occurrence IHNV in the wild stocks.
Q And in that work, sir, did you find whether there was any correlation in the IHNV prevalence as between adults and its occurrence in fry?
Cohen Commision transcript for August 24, 2012, page 85