Just a quick report. Headed out to West Van early this am to give the beach a go. Only saw one fish taken all morning and one jumper. Was very slow. Hit the Cap at about 8:30, love the low water for finess fly fishing. Really tests your patience and ability to find that right fly and presentation. Walked into my new found spot from last week and no one was there. Tried a small micro leech first and got a small coho immediately about 4 pounds. Was an absolute bar except it had a big chunk taken out of its side by a seal?
I popped the hook and sent him on his way.
The next few hours yielded nothing but frustration. I went through most of the flies I had. Threw on a pink muddler and had a take a few casts later. This fish bent my little 7wt almost in two
It dogged it on the bottom for awhile. I could see the flashing of silver, a huge coho compared to the rest at 8-9 pounds it looked like. Then it did something unusual, it took to the air 5-6 times showing pink hued sides. "What the heck kind of coho is that" I said out loud to no one in preticular. This fish pushed me to my limit before giving up and coming to my feet. The adipose fin showed I had my first ever summer run steelhead. What a beautiful fish
I unhooked her, snapped a crappy pic and set her free. I ended my day on that as it couldn't get any better then that
I now have a new favorite fish species. I will try and enhance the pic and post it but no promises. That made my year, and we're only in August. Also now have a new favorite river, I've yet to be skunked.
I dont know why all you guys say the Caps finicky, seems fine to me