I have been broken into three times, on the Vedder River over the last ten years. I now allways take the insurance paper with me, and leave the garage opener at home. I leave the car unlocked. The only other thing you could do , would be to leave a sign on the dash, the car is unlocked. The fellow at ICBC said off the re cored, leave your car unlocked. He also told me that Lickman road, parking lot is one of the worst spots on the river.
This trip Gary and I took turns watching the vehicles on the T, and others as well while one of us fished I kinow this cuts down on fishing time but we enjoyed fishing knowing we would not come back to a smashed window.
It gave me time to cook breakfast, cleanup up the Leaf Mobile, count plucks, visit other anglers wnen it was my turn and anyway I got all the fish I needed when it was my turn to fish.
I also tried to collect a watchman fee from Slick Vic yesterday but he would not pay up.