Seems to be a re-occurring theme once again at play here...
Chinook: Approximately
34,000 Somass chinook are forecast to return to Barkley Sound and Alberni Inlet in 2012. The predicted adult age composition is 5%, 33% and 62% of 3, 4 and 5-year olds, respectively. Given the age composition, about 24,000 spawners are required to meet the 57.2M egg target for the system.
Therefore, about 10,000 Somass chinook are available for harvest in the ‘terminal fishery’ from Alberni Inlet seaward to Barkley Sound.
The Recreational Sector's "
Priority Access" catch has been tracked throughout the summer and hovers around 11K. As the data collected included the Sound, a good number of the fish caught attributed to the local system were most likely not from here.
Area D Gillnet Fleet was held to their number through their two-hour opening Wednesday last. Close Monitoring and Communications ensured their catch was within the 1,300 allotted to them.
The same can
NOT be said for the Tsu-ma-uss (Hupacasath, Tseshaht)
FN Economic Fishery (Commercial). They were allotted a set target of 1,900. In fact, they removed ~
9,300 springs during a madhouse two-hour opening Tuesday last. The actual catch was therefore
7,400 OVER the assigned target number?
A 490% Over-Harvest! On a recognized Conservation Concern run!

Given this year's run projection (see above) it is obvious that the suggested "
available catch" has been
well exceeded - in fact we are now at
216 % (21,600) of that suggested harvest number.
Under these circumstances I have
Very Serious Conservation Concerns for this year's run. As such I cannot with any conscience support leaving the Inlet and river open for retention for springs by our own sector. I have advised our local SFAC that facing the very real possibility of not even achieving sufficient escapement to meet "
hatchery requirements" (even at today's greatly reduced scale) I very much believe we must curtail any further removals of these fish via any sector whatsoever. And I am therefore calling for an immediate meeting of the SFAC to deal with this matter in a timely manner.
What the FN's have done is beyond
HAD to realize what they were doing...
And just where the hell was DFO in this mess beyond launching it?
NOT ensuring any form of Compliance...
As noted, this has become a
FAR too repetitive Disaster.
The River is
LOW and
Warm, which of course is the perfect conditions to stack them at the river's mouth. Which is exactly what happened. And is exactly why they were such "
sitting ducks" for the nets.
I have walked a lot of the river in the past week and change. There are a few at the Falls, waiting for high enough water to jump them and wander up. "
Few" being the operative word. Between there and Papermill they are basically non-existent. Saw but a couple near the Store Pool and nada the rest of the way down. Without rain, or a surge from one of the impound lakes, the few fish that remain are very reluctant to enter the fresh water.
No Apologies, No Remorse.
Smash them 'till they're gone mentality seems to rule at least one particular sector here.
And this same scenario plays out year after year
after year with with the same "Sector".
If DFO doesn't get a handle on that, as they appear to have with the "other" commercial gillnet fleet, the writing for this run is on the wall...
I for one certainly will
NOT kill (or even target) another spring here. I hope the balance of the anglers feel the same way! To do so would be putting Personal Greed on a higher pedestal than the run's basic
IMPLORE those who fish this area to
PLEASE forgo bonking any more springs. And Please spread the word while out there as well.
They are hurting, and any further removals at all may well prove to be the last straw for their ongoing survival!!