Seems like a really decent price for a Wheatley box, and what looks like some good flies. I cant comment on the quality, I have not used this seller before, but this should be a decent buy.
This is a double edged sword though. I am in no way saying you should go one way or the other, but when you buy local, you are paying for locally made products. Well, I dont KNOW where sea run gets their flies, but I know M&Y in surrey gets locally tied flies. Expensive? Yes. But we all want to be paid fairly, and when you buy from Canada, it will more expensive. Quality is rarely an issue (for me at least.)
But, on the other hand, when you are starting out, it is hard to drop a couple hundred dollars on flies for a really good selection and variety. So I can understand where you are coming from. I bought my first dozen locally, then bought 5 or 6 dozen from Their quality really is outstanding.
I have that crane fly imitation from them (3 actually) and they have caught at least half a dozen fish each, and havent lost a leg, and still float like new. I am thoroughly impressed with them, and I dont mind supporting them. I dont know who ties their flies, but they are great! And, extremely cheap. Free shipping on 35 dollars, and usually about 6-7 business days to get to Vancouver from New York. And no, I dont work for these guys, I just love their shop.
But, if youre like me, after a hundred or so dollars on flies, you will just go drop a few more hundred and start tying your own. Also an option!