They only spawn the biggest ones.
Last I heard the Chilliwack hatchery attempts to spawn three groups of coho; early, middle and late timed arrivals to the hatchery. The key word here is arrivals as water conditions play a huge part in when these fish show up to be sorted and eventually spawned. Historically, early run timed coho spawned in tributaries of Chilliwack Lake and Post Creek; mid timed runs spawned in the mid river main stem and tribs like Neskawatch, Foley, Pierce, Borden, Slesse, Deer, and perhaps lower Tamihi and Liumchen Creeks.
Lower river coho, the late timed group, are now pretty much a memory but once provided a fun but not abundant November fishery back in the late 60’s, early 70’s . These fish spawned in Salwein, Hopedale and pretty much any back channel or ditch that consistently held water for an appreciable amount of time.
But that was then and this is now .. Nibs, have things changed? Anything new regarding coho enhancement on the Chilliwack coming down the pipe? Perhaps some strategic late run broodstock collections and subsequent fry releases to these lower sites?
Hate to put you on the spot bud but you know that comes with the turf and that's why you are here on FWR