It has been a great year, especially for coho. Chum is plentiful. Would be nice to have a ban on female chum, just like for Dungenese Crab. Possession of fresh chum roe should be banned too. This way, people cannot just kill the the female chum, take the roe and discard the fish. The rainbow stocking is great. Perhaps the fall stocking can be done earlier so more people can get out. Seniors are the people who enjoy this most, but they can't fish in cold weather like now. With the high cost of gas, rivers closer to town should be enhanced with more stocking. How about more coho stocking in Stave, Allouette, Cap, Seymour, even Coquitlam etc. This will be great for people who like space & solitude in farther rivers like the Vedder or Chehalis, as more people will go to more local flows if there are more fish there. Save money and good for the environment. Just a thought. Finally, we need more plain clothed COs on the rivers, and more enforcement efforts in the public piers where poaching and under-sized crab harvest are rampant.