Bob, considering that Ms Morton is turning to US politicians for support for her cause I highly doubt she is going to do much to cause any controversy in Washington State and definitely not Alaska. Protesting US jobs (even if these are in aquaculture) won't go down well with Congresspeople and Senators immediately south of the border. Some pretty scary economic things happening south of the border. Morton needs support from US politicians to help her with any boycott because most sales of Canadian farmed salmon go south of the border. It is in her best interest to make farms in Canada (specifically in BC) look like the culprits and have Washington State fish farms and Alaska salmon ranching look great. American support is key - Canadian not so much. Do you ever hear Morton say anything negative about Washington State fish farms or Alaskan salmon ranching? Sounds like politics? Damn right it you may of thought that only government did this. Fish biology has nothing to do with it.