You started with this question,
We rely on DFO to manage the salmon fisheries and as a result we assume that they are not allowing over harvest. Do you have some stats to support your position that they are allowing over harvest?
to which I gave very specific answers with examples. While you may choose to reject them as being in support of a position you disagree with, they are pieces of specific evidence that can be researched to form your own opinion. You then ask me to:
You need to give the feedlots credit for their contribution to the decline of the wild salmon.
I will consider this when you can provide just one specific example in BC of a stock/species/run/year that has seen the declines such as those I identify above, in which the causatory agent can be directly identified as aquaculture. Just one example, that's it. Should be easy enough, hey?
You should have a quick peek at the video and guess which one you are lol.