I use through floats exclusively. The main reason to use a through float is that it’s quick and easy to adjust. Simply use a toothpick at the top to stop it in place, but make sure not to jam the toothpick too tightly into the float. You should be able to slide the float up and down your line with a gentle pull. One of the advantage of using this method is when you are playing a fish in a deep pool standing on the rocks at the Cap where you are using 6 to 10 feet of line from float to swivel. You know how difficult it is to land or hoist a fish with that much float line, so what I do is to reel the float tight to the top guide, then gently reel line in until the float slides down to about a foot or two from the swivel to gain leverage on the fish. You can do that with wraps as well, but it’s much easier to do with a through float. Hope that helps.