"The BC Salmon Farmers Association says the charge is without scientific merit, because there has been no outbreak of lice in farms and when lice are detected, fish are promptly treated with SLICE, a pesticide that is 95 per cent effective."
“Now, we don’t know whether the salmon farms failed to treat, or if their treatment failed.”
Jeremy Dunn, a spokesman for the BC Salmon Farmers Association, said sea-lice levels are currently low on farmed fish, however, and when a problem has been encountered, the fish have been treated.
The federal government, the fish farming industry and non-governmental organizations then agreed on practices to better control sea lice in farms. Some farms were fallowed when juvenile salmon were migrating past, and farmers began more rigorously treating infected fish.
Always treating. No tricking until you treat yourself to one of them dirty fish. Read it for yourself their tossing pesticides( pollutants ) into our waters because their greedy and don't want to farm any other way. But that's OK for the FF supporters.