Funny Nova, but you have not answered Steve's question.
I wasn't aware there was a timed posting stipulation. I'll work on my response times by climbing into my Delorean and reading the forthcoming posts so I can have the response ready before any questions get asked..
I'm sorry I can't get timely responses for 2 reasons -one is business is booming, sales are up over 50% from last year, number two is the government shutting everyone up or out. You pick.three- I just got back from dropping a bunch of materials and equipment for my upcoming work on Bowen this week. (You can meet me live and in person at Horseshoe Bay, 6AM, lane 69) If you can pry some info out of DFO, let me know who to call.
Ooops - one too many.
Now I gotta go finish my pressure washing so I can fire up the scoot and go for a nice Sunday ride.