Well, I got schooled by the locals in the art of beach fishing yesterday.
I have seen a large group of pelicans down the beach about 1km for the last couple of days and decided to go down and check it out.
The locals take a large bucket of small baitfish (3" to 4") down to the beach and hook one of the fish through the nose on a bare hook.
Then a guy paddles out on a surfboard with a couple of lines to about 100 feet from shore and drops the lines.
Not sure if there are weights on the line or if the fish just swim around.
They are using a large spool of about 30lb test and put the spool in the bucket.
They relax and have a beer waiting for the fish.
When they hook a fish, the spool starts spinning in the bucket and they reel the fish in.
Mostly Jack Crevals (Toros) but I saw a gar (giant needlefish) and heard of a few dorados from shore.